Clarion Weekly, 21 March 2025

If you care about transport, building homes, or sewage, it's been a huge week in Oxfordshire. Here's all the news you need to know, and the best of the county's events and media. If this is your first newsletter, welcome! We are all the Clarion.
This week’s top stories
Are you fed up of hearing about sewage yet? It’s the story that, like a bad smell, just won’t go away – and this week Oxford’s rising sewage problem reached the top levels of Government.
On Monday, we reported that 25 developers had written to Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves bluntly saying that “Oxford is uninvestable”. Their contention was that the Environment Agency was insisting no new developments are occupied until Thames Water provides more sewage capacity – and given Thames Water’s track record, funders were not prepared to stump up the cash to start building on trust. Between them, the developers and landowners (including the University of Oxford, several colleges, the company behind the flagship Oxpens project, and stadium owner Firoka) said 18,000 homes were at risk.
The response was swift. Yesterday, the Government announced that Oxford City Council and the Environment Agency have come to an agreement:
Following a rigorous process to find a solution to unlock the new homes, the EA, Oxford City Council and Thames Water have now agreed a scheme which can provide the capacity needed at the Sewage Treatment Works to allow for the occupation of development from 2027, in line with local plans. Technical experts at the EA have ensured that Thames Water has now presented a clear, fully costed and funded programme of work, providing the confidence and certainty that water quality will be protected and communities in the area will have the water services they need, while allowing projected growth to come forward.
City Council leader Susan Brown said the EA had undertaken to provide new planning advice: “We look forward to receiving the EA’s letter so we can work at pace to unlock new homes currently stalled across the city.” The fact that Chancellor Rachel Reeves was quoted in the press release – calling the agreement “the kind of action that will unleash the potential of the Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor and grow our economy” – is perhaps a marker of how seriously this is being taken.
But Clarion sources say that, like the bear, we are not out of the woods yet – one source telling us “it’s even worse than you think”. We would like to promise you that this is our last sewage story. It won’t be. S…tuff happens?

The Citizens' Assembly on Transport in Oxfordshire concluded. After six weeks and 11 sessions of information and collaborative deliberation, the citizens made 20 recommendations centred around motor traffic reduction; better bus services; more walking and cycling; and more effective communication.
The most eye-catching recommendation was a “car-free city centre” (88% support). Also highly favoured were designating existing roads just for buses and cyclists (88%), enhanced Park & Rides (97%), and more community medical facilities to reduce the need to drive to major hospitals (91%). We took a deep dive into the results.
Oxfordshire’s opinion-formers love nothing better than a good old transport ding-dong. Here’s a few reactions.
- The anti-LTN Independent Oxford Alliance party say the process was “manipulated and one-sided”: “If elected, we will organise an assembly where all voices can be heard without bias.”
- The Coalition for Healthy Streets & Active Travel praised the assembly and called it “well-informed”. “Parties and pressure groups with policies that differ from the Assembly could stick to their dogma and blame the 34 independent referees – but what is their alternative? More traffic and more jams?”
- Labour, who instigated the process, “welcomes the published recommendations from the Citizens’ Assembly” but called it “a missed opportunity to start to bring our communities back together”.
- Green City Councillor Emily Kerr was unimpressed with Labour’s response, characterising it as “We think the county council should listen to what Citizens’ Assemblies say, unlike us who are going to completely ignore all the stuff about pedestrianisation as we don't like it.”
- Dr Alison Chisholm, part of the project team, says that citizens’ assemblies “move people from offering reactive, top-of-head individual preferences, to collaborating to seek informed and considered solutions that will work for all”.

Sir Patrick Vallance, Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor Champion and Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, visited Oxfordshire on Monday to discuss the region’s plans to support sustainable economic growth.
Lord Vallance took part in a roundtable discussion with stakeholders from across Oxfordshire, including representatives from County and City Councils, local businesses, and the universities. Stakeholders shared barriers to growth, including infrastructure and housing, and explored ways the government could support Oxfordshire’s contribution to the UK economy.
The Minister also met with representatives of ARC Oxford, the Ellison Institute of Technology, the Oxford Science Park, and the local councils where they discussed the Cowley Branch Line and other schemes to improve connectivity between key employment sites and new homes. He said: “Unlocking Oxford's full potential is critical to make the Oxford-Cambridge Corridor a driver of economic growth.The county is proof of how, when backed by investment and infrastructure, businesses, universities and local govt can build an environment where new ideas can be rapidly scaled.”
Professor Irene Tracey, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, said she was “delighted” to chair the discussion: “It was a great opportunity to express our willingness to support the OxCam Arc and to discuss working for economic growth and prosperity within the UK." We wrote about the infrastructure blockages in Oxfordshire in a series of long reads recently.

Oxford’s International Piano Series has been saved from the enforced closure of SJE Arts. It will relocate to St John’s College after its current venue, St John the Evangelist on Iffley Road, ends its concert programme this summer.
The hosts say the new venue is “intimate and acoustically rich”. Michèle Smith, director of SJE Arts, said: “We are really looking forward to moving to the delightful auditorium at St John’s, with its lovely Steinway D piano, and are already making plans about whom to invite. Angela Hewitt has given a date and will be performing a programme of music by J.S.Bach.”
But the rest of the SJE Arts programme – for 13 years, a shining beacon in a city already blessed with some of the finest classical, world and acoustic music – looks likely to come to an end. At last week’s performance of Handel’s Solomon, conductor Will Dawes said:
“The act you’ve just heard talks about the wisdom of Solomon to make the right decision. On behalf of the musical community of Oxford, we are all dismayed to hear of the decision by the Trustees of St Stephen’s House to close SJE Arts from July this year. Despite some serious lobbying, it is apparent from a recent meeting that minds have been made up and the SSH is no longer able to resource SJE in a way that, they say, is both within their means and their charitable ends. In all likelihood, this unique space, with its warmth of heat, warmth of acoustic, and the warmth of the professional management is likely, once again, to become quiet to most of the performers and audience here tonight.
“It’s an unequivocal shame to see SJE Arts added to the litany of community spaces and networks that are being closed down, especially at a time when the Arts are, ubiquitously, taking a massive hit and the world around us appears ever more inward-looking. What Michèle, Sally, Helen, Phil and her team have created in the past 13 years is quite extraordinary – and that will continue until the very last chord is struck, plucked, or sung. Let us hope that, like Solomon, an initially horrific decision eventually gives way to common sense.”
(As SJE Arts’ programme draws to a gradual close, Oxford chamber choir Commotio will be singing Howells’ Requiem and other 20th century works for Lent this Saturday: programme and tickets.)

Around the city
- Adrian Ramsay, co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, called for Thames Water to be taken into public ownership following a visit to Oxford Sewage Treatment Works yesterday. Speaking following his visit Ramsay said: “For too long, billions have been leaking out to shareholders instead of going into fixing our broken water system. There is a better alternative. We need to bring water back into public ownership. That is the real change we need.” Cllr Jo Robb, deputy leader of South Oxfordshire District Council Green Group said: “Labour says public ownership would be too expensive. But a bailout will be paid for by bill payers. Special Administration could restructure Thames Water ensuring investors not bill payers take the financial fall." We wrote about Thames Water and its issues in a long read on sewage recently.
- Ramsay also visited the Botley Road rail bridge site. Green Party City Councillor Lois Muddiman said: “Network Rail completely underestimated the scale of the project. This is nothing short of mismanagement of a major project, and the City Council should be calling for a public inquiry.” Adrian Ramsay said of the Botley Road closure: “The closure is harming local businesses and holding up delivering sustainable transport. So much of our infrastructure in this country isn’t working for people. I applaud the work of Cllr Muddiman for all she’s doing to hold Network Rail to account.”
- Oxford City Council has approved £1m of grants to city organisations. It says that the grant schemes tackle key challenges in “the UK’s second most unequal city”.
- It’s been a bumper week for food and drink (re)openings:
- Summertown BBQ restaurant Burnout BBQ is to open a branch in the Westgate’s “street food” area. Specialities include ‘Texan Tapas’ small plates, smoked and pulled meats and buttermilk fried chicken.
- Specialist drinks retailer Amathus is opening on Oxford’s High Street. Number 116 was occupied by Oxford University Press for nearly 150 years until the bookshop closed during the Covid pandemic.
- Italian café ItaliAmo is opening a new trattoria on the ‘car-light’ Broad Street. It will occupy no 21, previously the Cambridge Satchel Company, next to the existing cafe. The owners have applied to Oxford City Council to open until 11.30pm each night.
- The Big Society pub on Cowley Road reopened yesterday after refurbishment. New owners Urban Village Pubs have also taken over the Victoria on Walton Street; they already run the King's Head & Bell in Abingdon. (The Big Society was formerly called the Elm Tree.)

Around the county
- Labour has unveiled its manifesto for May’s Oxfordshire County Council elections, pledging to “put more money in your pocket” and saying “A Labour-controlled County Council working hand in hand with a Labour Government at Westminster will turbo-charge what we can do for local people.” The party has pledged to “stop the transport nightmare” by implementing the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly, which reported this week. It says it will introduce London-style bus franchising and “make it easier and safer to walk and cycle”, but halt the traffic filters scheme. Labour says OCC would become a “climate council” and “accelerate the Council’s plans for decarbonisation”. On education, Labour would “strengthen proactive support for children with SEND in early years and primary school settings”; and it would build “our own in-house children’s homes”. The party has also announced all its candidates in Oxford, with two City councillors, Louise Upton and James Fry, newly standing for election to the County Council. The full manifesto, together with a list of Labour’s candidates in Oxford, is online.
- The RSPB says the rare bittern, whose population dropped to just 11 remaining booming males in 1997, is now at “record-breaking” levels with the biggest jump since monitoring began. Otmoor nature reserve between Oxford and Bicester is a key site for the wetland bird. Bitterns were native at Otmoor in the 19th century, but drainage after WW2 and conversion to arable greatly reduced the wetland extent. The RSPB acquired the reserve in 1997, after the threat of the M40 was seen off, and have re-established it as a thriving habitat.
- Several district councillors have stepped down, with by-elections likely to be held on May 1 to coincide with county council elections. In West Oxfordshire, Charlie Maynard (LibDem, Standlake Aston & Stanton Harcourt; now an MP) is standing down. In Cherwell, Sean Woodcock (Lab, Banbury Grimsbury & Hightown; now an MP), Andrew McHugh (Con, Deddington) and Matt Hodgson (Lab, Banbury Cross & Neithrop) are all standing down; and in South Oxon, Alexandrine Kantor (LibDem, Wheatley) and Freddie van Mierlo (LibDem, Watlington; now an MP).
- Cherwell District Council is moving to its new home in the Castle Quay shopping centre on 31 March. The council-owned centre has struggled with occupancy since the opening of a new retail park on the edge of Banbury.
- Oxfordshire County Council is the first county council to be awarded local authority of sanctuary status. The accreditation has been awarded by the City of Sanctuary UK movement who cited a “commitment to supporting people fleeing war, persecution and serious human rights violations”; their . chief officer, Sian Summers-Rees, said: “This award reflects years of dedicated work to create a more welcoming, fair, and inclusive county.” Cllr Liz Leffman, Leader of OCC, said: “We are immensely proud of the work to support refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Oxfordshire. Supporting people who arrive with very little, enabling them to regain independence is the right thing to do, and also reduces the risk of future pressure on vital services. Oxfordshire has always been a welcoming place, and achieving sanctuary status underpins the county council’s commitment to welcoming all sanctuary seekers coming to the county, regardless of how they arrived.”
- Three men have been convicted of stealing Blenheim Palace’s golden toilet. The toilet, a £4.8m artwork called ‘America’ by Maurizio Cattelan, was famously stolen in September 2019. Thames Valley Police’s Bruce Riddell said “This has been a complex investigation with detailed forensic work, complex phone analysis, and piecing together who planned the burglary of this unique artwork.” TVP are still appealing for information relating to the sale of the gold. (Your Clarion team have spent the week working out whether a cargo bike could be used as a getaway vehicle… we concluded a Tern GSD could carry two solid gold toilets but it may not outrun TVP’s finest in pursuit.)
- Oxfordshire County Council has its first Reform UK councillors. Felix Bloomfield was elected as a Conservative in Benson & Cholsey in 2021 with a small majority over the LibDems (1,519 to 1,499). He was unveiled as a defector to Reform UK at a press conference on Monday. Not at the press conference, however, was Reform’s second Oxfordshire councillor, Kevin Bulmer; elected as a Conservative for Goring, he was suspended from the party last year for retweeting far-right group Britain First. The party has recently been establishing branches across the county and has already confirmed candidates in Banbury, Bicester and Didcot in advance of May’s County Council elections.
- Oxfordshire’s councils have today submitted their preferred options for reorganisation to Government. As we explained last week, the rural districts are proposing a two-way split; Oxford City Council wants an enlarged city plus two rural authorities; and Oxfordshire County Council is proposing one council for all of Oxfordshire. The County Council is also submitting its view on an overarching ‘mayoral strategic authority’, which it says should contain Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, but not Swindon.

The Oxford EARTH team; Professor Irene Tracey and Professor Pete Nellist at the unveiling of the new microscope (Fernanda Haswell Martin); the Weston Library.
University and research
- Underneath Broad Street is a tunnel once used by the Bodleian Libraries for transporting books. This weekend, there is a rare chance to see the underground passages, as one of several free tours and talks for the 10th anniversary of the Weston Library. The tunnel carried books (and book request slips in pneumatic tubes) between the 17th-century Old Bodleian and the 1930s New Bodleian, now the Weston Library. Another part of the tunnel linking the Radcliffe Camera was converted into the Gladstone Link, an ‘informal study environment’, in 2011.
- Materials scientist Sir Peter Hirsch’s 100th birthday has been marked by unveiling a new £3m electron microscope in the Department of Materials, which he led until 1992. The department says the new addition is particularly welcome “because it will enable users to quickly switch techniques while working on the same sample, thereby providing improved data and opening up a portfolio of applications”.
- Oxford EARTH is a new multidisciplinary institute for sustainable natural resources, announced this week. The £3.4m programme aims to inform “the mines of the future – sustainable and equitable operations that have minimal environmental impact”.
Walking, cycling and boating
- Oxford University and Oxfordshire County Council have called for Botley West Solar Farm’s promoters to build the long-sought B4044 cycle path from Eynsham to Botley. They point out that the cable route for the solar farm will largely run along the B4044, exactly where the cycle path would be built. OCC wrote: “The Lower Road (Eynsham–Hanborough) and B4044 (Eynsham–Botley) cycle schemes should be delivered by the Applicant as a community benefit. Given the impacts of the solar development, this would provide a much needed and visible benefit to the community at an appropriate scale.” The University of Oxford agrees: “The need for such a route has been heavily publicised and would be of significant public benefit. It is unclear how the DCO development will interact and impact the cycle path, and the University would wish the cycle path to be delivered.” Over 10,000 vehicles travel daily along the B4044, which is the direct route from Eynsham and West Oxfordshire to the employment and research sites in west Oxford. The Bike Safe campaign has been campaigning for a path since 2012.

- A run to celebrate Sir Roger Bannister’s four-minute mile is to become an annual event. The ‘Bannister Miles’ event will take place on Monday 5 May: the morning will see a family-focused run down the High Street and finishing on the Iffley Road, followed by a series of track races in the afternoon. Samuel Waite, Men’s Captain of Oxford University Cross Country Club, said: “We cannot wait to welcome some of the UK’s top athletes back to Iffley Road. Last year’s event saw the Iffley Road track record broken, proving that this historic venue still inspires remarkable performances.” The afternoon races will encompass heats for athletes aged nine and over, as well as para-athletes and high-level amateur runners. Over 80% of participants last year recorded a personal best.
- The cycleway from Kidlington to Oxford could see £1.1m of improvements as a result of a 370-home development at Gosford, on the village’s eastern edge. The development funds have been earmarked as part of the Section 106 agreement for the site, which received outline permission in 2023. The agreement includes: “£1,131,573 Index Linked towards improvements along the Kidlington to Oxford corridor including bus lane along the A4260 and/or cycle highways to the Cutteslowe roundabout or an alternative scheme of similar benefit.” A further £919,411 will go towards a Park & Ride at Oxford [Kidlington] Airport. The development itself will connect to a segregated cycleway from Gosford to the Kidlington Roundabout. A ‘reserved matters application’ on matters of detail is now with Cherwell District Council for consideration. Cycling safety between Kidlington and Oxford has been a matter of concern since Ellen Moilanen died in a collision at the entrance to Oxford Parkway station in 2022. Oxfordshire County Council subsequently announced a ‘Vision Zero’ commitment to end road deaths.
- Lock-keepers on the River Thames are to be balloted for industrial action. The GMB union says: “There are only 52 staff doing the work of more than 100 – they simply cannot do the work needed in a safe way. Staffing levels threaten the safety of the pubilc.” GMB says that climate change has meant an increased workload for the lock-keepers, who also control the adjacent weirs that manage river flow and flooding. Whereas each lock once had a dedicated keeper plus peak-time reliefs, many are now shared between a single keeper driving between sites. We looked at the cuts to the Environment Agency’s River Thames lock-keeping staff in a news report last year.
Trains and buses
- Carterton’s town bus service is being withdrawn after Carterton Town Council pulled funding. The Carterton Connector, run by the West Oxfordshire Community Transport co-operative, will run for the last time on 20 May – four years after it began. WOCT said: “Unfortunately, the grant offered covers less than half of what it would cost to run the service, and as a not-for-profit organisation, we can’t sustain that shortfall.” Carterton Town Council has been Conservative-controlled since January.

- A reopened Wantage & Grove railway station has moved a step closer as Oxfordshire County Council commissions a business case. The station was closed in 1964, since when local population has grown to over 34,000; OCC estimates a new station would attract at least 1m users every year. OCC’s Judy Roberts said “Providing fast, regular and reliable transport options that serve our local communities and businesses across the region is essential,” while for GWR, Tom Pierpont said: “We look forward to engaging with the study, including on line capacity, rolling stock and crew requirements.”
- GWR has warned of significant disruption for the next two Sundays, with two tracks closed between Reading and Paddington, and significant reductions for anyone heading west from Didcot.
- Oxford SmartZone bus fares go up at the end of March. Stagecoach and Oxford Bus Co have published a list of the new fares.
- The stories of the very first Black scholars to study at Oxford University are being celebrated on a bus tour. City Sightseeing Oxford’s Black Oxford Untold Stories tour returns to tell the stories of the African, African Americans, Black British & Caribbean students who made a lasting impact. The tour features commentary by award-winning author Pamela Roberts adapted from her book Black Oxford: The Untold Stories; she created the tour to challenge the misconception that Black students historically did not study at Oxford. Passengers will learn about Christian Frederick Cole, the university's first-ever Black student in 1873 and Britain’s first Black barrister; James Harley, the first Black anthropology student at Pitt Rivers; and Lady Kofoworola Moore, the first Black African woman to achieve an Oxford degree. Tickets must be booked in advance.

MPs Layla Moran, Anneliese Dodds and Cllr Anna Railton at the site on Botley Road
Oxfordshire politics
Our usual round of edited highlights from our MPs' weeks. Two usual caveats, casework rarely hits the headlines, and we keep it local – for front-bench stuff see the broadsheets!
It seems everyone has visited the Botley Road this week: Labour, LibDems (together) and Greens. Speaking after the visit, Oxford East MP Anneliese Dodds said:
“It’s clear that the project is extremely complex and technically challenging. It was particularly helpful to understand how the project is currently at a critical stage, with the new water main being put into place right now. I will continue to push all of the contractors involved to finish the project as speedily as possible, and I will keep my constituents updated as much as I can. I’m grateful to Thames Water for being so open with me about the exact stage of their operations and what is to come.”
Oxford West & Abingdon MP Layla Moran commented: “I was grateful for the opportunity to see the work they are doing. Concerns of residents & businesses were discussed directly, and I am glad to hear there's great focus to deliver this project on time now.”
- Anneliese Dodds (Oxford East), aside from visiting the Botley Road, celebrated Holi with Oxford's Hindu community. Their new temple, the first in Oxfordshire, is being built in Marston.
- Sean Woodcock (Banbury) attended a hearing in Parliament on the Residential Management Group, where he relayed the challenges faced by residents in the Banbury Chase development: his full and comprehensive report is here. He also met with the British Association of Anaesthetists on recruitement and retention of NHS anaesthetists. As we say each week, some work doesn't hit the headlines, but Hansard records him working in great depth on the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill.
- Layla Moran (Oxford West & Abingdon) visited the Oxenford Care Home, talking to residents and also management about the imminent increase in employer National Insurance contributions. She spoke to BBC Oxford about the failures in NHS mental health diagnoses, highlighting a 17-year wait for one adult constituent.
- Calum Miller (Bicester & Woodstock) met with the North Oxford Residents' Association. In what is becoming an increasing theme in these newsletters, he wrote to the Chancellor on behalf of his constituents to urge her to consider the infrastructure needed to accompany growth in the region, following her announcement of the Oxford–Cambridge Growth Corridor. (Can someone show him our Infrastructure Week series?) In healthcare news, he advocated in Parliament for dentists, pharmacies and social care providers who will be affected by the imminent rise in employer National Insurance contributions, and also signed a letter to the Chancellor on future funding for community pharmacies (as did Glover and Maynard).
- Olly Glover (Didcot & Wantage) signed a cross-party letter to the Health Minister Ashley Dalton in support of those with brain cancer (as did Miller, Maynard and van Mierlo). We don't normally report on APPG news, but we know many Clarion readers have a special interest in transport: this week the APPG on transport, of which Glover is a member, published a report on the gap between the rights disabled people have in the UK and the reality of using the UK public transport system. He highlighted it here.
- Freddie van Mierlo (Henley & Thame) visited the Wheatley United Reform Church and spoke to Wheatley for Palestine and Christian Aid. He also met with residents at Lambridge Wood, Henley, who are concerned about closure of a path through the wood. In Parliament, he spoke on the importance of paternal leave in the Employment Rights Bill.
- Charlie Maynard (Witney) in Parliament asked the Energy Minister to consider integrating UK electricity markets with the EU energy markets in order to reduce electricity bills for UK consumers and businesses. The week also saw the second reading of the Rare Cancers Private Members bill on which he has been working cross party. He spoke movingly in Parliament on that as the bill passed to committee stage.
This weekend
- Indie Oxford Festival. Saturday at that bastion of Oxford independence, Tap Social’s Botley Taproom. “For anyone who loves independent businesses in Oxfordshire, supporting local music and experiencing the best of Oxford’s creative indie scene.” Tickets online.
- All Maps Lead to Weston. Have you ever wandered into the Weston Library on Broad Street and stared at the frankly amazing (and huge) tapestry map on the wall? The Bodleian’s map curator, Nick Millea, will be talking about this and more in ‘10 years of cartographic adventures in the Weston Library’ on Saturday at 2.30pm.
- Early Cinema in Oxford. As the Odeon closes, Oxford’s indefatigable historian Liz Woolley will be talking at the Ultimate Picture Palace about early “electric theatres” in the city. Saturday 1.30pm.
- How the Earth Works with Dr Lucia Perez-Diaz (ages 6-10). Saturday at 10.30am, Caper Bookshop, Magdalen Road. Join Dr Lucia Perez-Diaz, the author of How the Earth Works, for a workshop guiding you on the journey to find your inner scientist. Through a fun and educational game, participants will also get to work, building a geological timescale for Earth’s incredible life story. A journey through time and science awaits!
Dates for your diary
- Huh, That's Funny: “a night where comedy and science collide”. Thursday 27 March, 7pm, Lynrace Spirit, Jericho. Helmed by Chris Lintott (BBC Sky at Night) and Liz Johnson (animal scientist and comedian) alongside a collection of smart comedians, funny scientists and the just plain curious.
- Scenes from a Tragedy. Caper Bookshop, Magdalen Road. Tuesday 25 March 2025, 7.30pm. Carole Hailey in conversation with fellow author and editor Elizabeth Garner, talking about Scenes from a Tragedy, a literary thriller with a heart of darkness about the ripple effect of one person's inability to form meaningful human connections.
- Mad Dog: the Mickey Lewis story. Book launch on Wednesday 26 March, 7.30pm at Florence Park Community Centre. Oxford United legend Mickey Lewis is celebrated in a new biography; plus “relive the glory years” of OUFC, with Oxblogger Scott Walkinshaw contextualising the zenith of local football. (Glory years? We have every confidence OUFC are staying up and that the best years are still to come.)
- The People's Joker. Wednesday 26 March. A one-off screening presented by Translate Oxford, a monthly evening social for trans, nonbinary, and queer communities in Oxford, The organisers promise “a drag performance by Mister Chondria, themed drinks, a short talk on trans and queer representation in film, and maybe some more”.
- It is Mother's Day on Sunday 30 March. Team Clarion reminds you to spoil your mother/the mother in your life. A correspondent writes to tell us that the Hawkswell House Hotel at Iffley has unlimited desserts on Mother’s Day. (This is the kind of press release we can get behind.)
- The Medley beer garden, by the River Thames opposite Port Meadow, reopens on Friday 4 April. Only accessible by foot or bike, it first opened in May 2021 on reclaimed farmland.
- Did you know Bicester is the self-build capital of Britain, thanks to the Graven Hill development (as seen on Grand Designs)? In June, the town hosts Build It Live, a show for all those thinking of building their own home.
As ever, all these events have been submitted by our wonderful readers (plus a couple we just thought looked wonderful). Do keep them coming.
Oxfordshire’s independent media
- The Oxford Sausage features Francis Hamel and his paintings of Oxford. (We often recommend their postings, but did you know that the Oxford sausage was an actual type of sausage? A distinctive variety of pork and veal sausage, it was referenced by Mrs Beeton among others.)
- Morris Oxford looked at the beaches of Oxford. We got lost down a rabbit hole on this beautiful website. This is an oldie, but have a read of this one and dream of summer...
- Independent Oxford interviews Fanny Clemente, founder of Il Corno, the Neapolitan street food café in the Covered Market.
- Daily Info reviews Getdown Services at the Jericho Tavern, Minehead’s answer to Sleaford Mods.
- Cherwell raises concerns about “welfare penguins”. (We think we heard them on John Peel once.)
Notes from Clarion HQ
Are you seeing a surfeit of political ads on your social media feed? Or a brace of leaflets through your letterbox every afternoon? Here’s why. It’s the “phoney war” season right now, the period in the run-up to elections but before the spending limits kick in. From next Tuesday, candidates who’ve announced their intention to stand in May’s Oxfordshire County Council elections are subject to a maximum spend. But until then, there’s no limit.
You can take a glimpse at what the parties are campaigning on by visiting Facebook’s Ad Library. For example, the Conservatives are majoring on a “pothole emergency” though with some local twists: Bicester candidate Sam Holland says “If elected as your new County Councillor for Bicester East on 1st May, I’ll fight tirelessly on Oxfordshire County Council to get rid of cycling on Sheep Street.” We were rather hoping he might fight tirelessly to reintroduce sheep.
Got an interesting leaflet through your door? We’d love to know what it says. Our inbox is always open at